
We participate in most of the insurance health plans and have team members at many hospitals. We are involved in integrated care, something you will be hearing more and more about in the future.

Please contact our office for further details about our participation in health plans (713) 795-5511 or (713) 691-0107.

It is important that you and your employer carefully evaluate the health plan you are considering joining. Many plans restrict access to the physician or hospital that you and your family prefer and offer an alternate that may not be suitable or appropriate for you.

If your Kidney Associates doctor is not on the plan you want, talk with your primary care provider, your plan representative and your employer. Ask your employer to only contract with health plans that use Kidney Associates.

Many health plans require that you have a referral from a primary care physician before you can see a specialist. Also, you may need a referral or permission from the plan before having a procedure or beginning dialysis or other types of therapy.

Health insurance is complex. To assist you we have included some websites that you will find useful: